Monday, May 27, 2013

Week 17: A Hard Week in Taiwn

1. Did you get the care package I sent? Did you love it? I haven't got it yet but i am really looking forward to it!!!
2. Did you have your baptism? How did it turn out? Tell us everything about it. well they kinda fell through!!! but its OK!! He had testing
3. Can you send us some pictures? Your blog needs it.!!!! OK
4. What is tracting like in Taiwan? Really discouraging!!! aha ha we will go out all day and no one will want to talk to us.
5. How is your language coming along? How much do you understand? How much can you speak? i understand a lot but i just barely started learning normal speak which is so much better so its coming.
6. Has your favorite scripture changed? Ether 12:6 

Ni hao everyone!!!! Well Taiwan is hot as heck as usual !!! well we have been just plugging along! I switched it up from rice and bought some egg noodles and ya know its actually pretty good to be completely honest. Nothing really has changed much. We are still  tracting and going door to door every day. Really no one likes us ah aha say that brightens our day.we just do the same thing every morning and as for service we helped sign up a kid for EFY. i think I'm gonna buy a dinosaur egg mango which can cost up to 10 dollars but its totally worth it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jacob! Holy crap!!! dude you are 17 ESPN wants you and RSL loves you Congrats on Grim going into the MTC.  It seems likes yesterday we were both at EFY camp. That is insane.
Shout out to my girl Ash for serving the Lord!
Jared good luck at Ranger tryouts. I know you will kill it. and Caity, wow you are totally killing it I hear Cassie is going to VB. Congrats on getting 4.0s!!!  Well everyone here is too busy "studying" for school. They may get the highest grades but there is no Taiwanese dream at all. You study all your life and end up at a McDonald's It is ridiculous. So everyone is busy but it is all good. anyways.

Also everyone please keep the Towse and Grassely families in your prayers please. 

love ya'll.

Elder Buhler

Monday, May 20, 2013

WEEK 16: Tribute to Cody

1.What new things happened this week to you? Well I ate monkey and caterpillar !!! 
2. How do you find investigators? We mostly go tracting and street contacting. We sometimes use basketball or baseball as a way to talk to people but ya that's how we meet people.
3. What do you buy to eat for dinner on the streets? Pot stickers, hot cold ice, man tou.
4. How many miles do you bike a day? Do you have to bike uphill and down hill too? I would say 12 miles
5. What is your schedule like everyday? What time do you wake up? Leave your apartment? What do you do all day? When do you come back in? What time do you go to sleep? well  I wake up at 630, "exercise" till 7 (stare at wall) . We study for a couple hours leave at 10:30, go contact for like 7 hours come back at  9:30,  fall asleep at 1030.
6. Describe your apartment? Do you have air condition? Sleep in a bunk bed? Is it a big? Are there bugs there? We remodeled our room so it's like a loft but ya we do and ya there are loads of cock roaches.... it gets pretty bad sometimes... Elder Hoopes is  afraid of them. We set one on fire and then almost set the apartment on fire. It was running around on fire.... there's a lot of flammable stuff in the apartment.
7) Do you dream in Chinese yet? kind of.

Ni hao everyone!!! Well it was awesome talking to my whole fam bam!!! I got to go on splits with Elder Young linksprol from Springville !!! It was good but then the whole week kinda just went to downhill.  Have you ever had a day where you wake up and find out your investigator who gets baptized soon is gay, typhoon season decides to start 2 months earlier, the cockroaches hold a invasion on my bag of brown rice? That's kinda how my last week was. The splits with Elder Young was real fun. We also watched a baseball game,Yankees vs Mariners. It was awesome.  For 30 mins, we felt like normal guys. Alright enough about me.

So I just got the news today about Cody. I wasn't the closest person to Cody but I loved him nonetheless.  He was an amazing man and an amazing American. He didn't want to sit back and watch as the world go to hell He wanted to do his part to stop it. I have memories of Cody always trying to get me to be a man and not a woman. I remember before he shipped off to basic we sat behind Troy's house eating marshmallows. I remember long boarding down at his house after color festivals and talking video games with him. Cody was an amazing man.  He fought and died for his country. In short, Cody was a bad ass. My prayers are with the Grasseleys and Towses. There is a scripture in the Bible which talks about how greater love hath no man than he who would lay down his life for his friend. I like to think that in heaven there is a place where brave warriors go . Ya Cody is up there. Love you all.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Week 15: We have an investigator wanting to get baptized (a huge thing in Taiwan)!

Ni hao everyone !!! This week has been interesting!!! I had to go up to Taichung to go do Dan Jones. I saw Sister Peay... kinda cool seeing a familiar face ya know? Well one investigator is trying to get baptized so we are helping him work towards that!! Yep we got evicted this last week.  It was kinda of a pain but ya know I guess it had to happen ya know?  I'm eating brown rice for  breakfast and lunch. Its  straight brown rice to I can get in better shape and ya but dinner we always eat out. Its cheaper here.  Other than that this week is really not that eventful.  I am looking forward to talking to you guys tomorrow!!! (Josh is calling his Tuesday, our Monday night because they were helping with mission transfers and moves yesterday)

Monday, May 6, 2013

WEEK 14: Moving Apartments and Getting Dominoes Pizza

NOTE: As I was running a spell check, Caitlin was sitting next to me saying "wait how can he spell that wrong!" So funny. Joshy makes us laugh. I hope his Chinese is better than his written English. :)

Ni hao everyone!!! Greetings from little China!!! This week has been slow. We have quite a few investigators but the fact of the matter is most of them are girls who want to date us and they don't really understand that we are missionaries. But, you know, you get what you get.

Asian of the week has to go to the cross dressing stripper we met.... def... him ... 

Well we had to go to a different court.... some guy who just lifts upper body (we all know that guy) started to honestly try to fight me at basketball and I'm so proud I didn't even swear once!!!  

Elder Hoopes and I are getting evicted. It's awesome, apparently sisters are moving in. I feel like it will be a love- hate relationship.The Chinese is coming along. Its awesome to hear from my family and all my friends. I hope everything is great with everyone. We taught some lessons this week but a lot of the people here are so stuck to their ways of Taoism and math and calculators. 

English class was interesting. The whole class was just looking me up on face book (do you operate that mom?) and google and YouTube. They got a kick out of the some of the pics. 

I got some more rice and ketchup its great!!! 

1. What was the best experience of your week?

My best experience of the week I would have to say was these people we taught brought us Dominoes pizza.That definitely strengthened my testimony. I mean that I was praying for pizza. My other great experience was  I got to argue about America.

2. Do you have other elders in your apartment? 

Well we are getting evicted... so we now will..but Elder Hooopes isn't too happy cause that just means more horsing around but I look at it as a chance to .... share my political opinions.

3. Did you find any new investigators? 

Yes,  but they turned out not be in our area so we can't teach them.

4. Are you understanding Chinese any better? 

Ya i just can't speak it to save my life.

5. What do you eat everyday

rice and ketchup

So i realized lately I haven't been the best example with all my actions before and during the mish and I would just like to apologize to all my friends and fam. I need to be a better person and a man and a better American and I intend to do that. I love you all and I hope that you all have an amazing mother's day. i look forward to talking to my family. God bless you and God bless America.


Elder Buhler