Well, you are all looking at the brand spanking new district
leader... ghaha. Before all my RM friends roll their eyes, ahahah it’s a big
deal for me, because I get to do DTM the way it was supposed to be...but it
will be interesting. Anyways, this week has been an interesting week... I have
found that I have preached with way to much fire, and I need to be less
blunt.... a couple of members who I would say are dear friend have gone less
active, and man I feel like it’s because of me. Sometimes I am way to blunt. I
have found that part of being a missionary or a representative of Christ is
that sometimes you have to say something even when you obviously do not want to
say that. But you have too because it’s what you believe.

Well, my little brother is going on a mission... I am super
proud of him I will miss him like crazy but I know he is going to be the best
missionary ever. He has all the skills and talents and he is stubborn like me
so he won't give up. He is an awesome kid. Elder Noll and I were talking last
night and we both believe that the hardest part of all of this is watching both
our younger brothers walk off on this huge adventure, and we won't see them for
a total of 3 and half to 4 years... I know that Ryan and Zach know how we feel,
but we feel that they are going to do amazing. We are both super proud of Jessi
and Jacob. Go forth to serve.
This week in a nutshell… was insane. One thing that is hard
about Taiwan, is that there is pornography everywhere!!! It’s ridiculous, and
no one even cares ... It’s really sad.
The other elders had an investigator drop out this week, which
was really sad because he was super ready ... I had the font filled and
everything.... I actually almost flooded the chapel which is pretty funny!
I found out that I am staying in Gangshen, and I might be
able to finish my mission here!!! I only have about 4 months left. It’s crazy
to think. I am glad I am here. It’s a wonderful place, and I love it.
My new comp is awesome
One thing that I have found to be a blessing is a site
called fairmormon.org. If anyone has any problems or questions about The Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) or the Book of Mormon, I beg you
go to this site. It will answer a lot of the questions you may have. When
people here about anti-mormon stuff, they assume the church ignores it. Oh no they
don’t! The church has some very, very smart people on their side and they
answer all the questions. It’s a really cool thing.
Good luck to all the new missionaries! You are all awesome,
and will do so well!!!
Elder Buhler