1. How was Thanksgiving? What did you do? Who cooked? Who came? I will send some pics. I cooked and prepared (really). It was just for the Nanto stake.
2. How is your investigator progressing? Is the baptism still on schedule? Well it's scheduled for this Friday.
3. What exciting thing happened to you this past week? We had mission conference and it was really the first time I have born my testimony in a while.
Ni hao everyone!!! So my exciting news is L.D, is getting baptized this week.I can't wait.
We also had mission conference this week. It was cool Towards the end, people were bearing the testimonies. It started as a small feeling but then it was crazy. I started shaking and I tried to raise my hand to bear it and President didn't see me so Elder Teng was like just walk up there. But luckily Elder Edwards saw me. and called on me and I said " sir can I bear mine sir, please, sir"? By this time was I was shaking even more. But ya I went up there talked about how I could promise them that the plan of salvation is true. I talked about Cody and about leaving dad and Cassie and how scary it was but how God comforted me. So ya by the end, literally everyone was in tears. and ya then Elder Edwards gave me a huge hug.
Then honestly we cooked a turkey all day and as I was sitting in the middle of nowhere in Taiwan completely across the world from ya'll I couldn't help but be grateful for everyone . I also watched grown Asian men wondering how the heck they were gonna eat mashed potatoes with chop sticks. It was super humbling. Anyways happy birthday Troy Grassley!
Loves to all.
Elder Buhler

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