My new companion is Elder Roberts from Syracuse, Utah. He is a simple man who loves his dirt bike and his family. He was recently "Dear John-ed by his girl friend who doesn't realize the catch she just left. I love Elder Roberts. We get along just fine.
I am focusing a lot. I actually am loving my life with my new comp. I think this has been the happiest week on my mish. Last night I wrote out my life plan. Mom, do you know David Brinley? He went to law school with you ? I am in a 4 man with his son. He's a super cool kid.

Well later that night we got to meet with Mr. M who earlier in the week was a referral sent to us by our good ol friend, S. We were supposed to help Mr. M call the USA Treasury Department to obtain some things from them but I guess they were closed so we sat down to teach the plan of salvation. Usually it takes 40 min to teach it but with Roberts and my amazing skills we were able to teach it quicker. ahahha Then after that lesson S. shows up and starts off with this " hello Mr. M, good evening gentlemen.... why is your Chinese so bad? Why did you come to Taiwan if you can't speak Chinese? you have thee worst Chinese ever. "
He then said " you are wasting your time with Mr. M. He is not interested. " Needless to say we were confused but in the end it was a super funny moment in our lives.I thought my companion was gonna flip out but he controlled himself.
Well as for spiritual experiences... um yesterday we got cancelled for no apparent reason. it was our 830 who was totally golden and we were meeting with an less active as it turned out that was a blessing because our lesson with our less active turned out to be awesome. We watched a movie on Jesus and he asked me why I believed in him. I didn't understand what he was saying but then I realized he didn't know if this were true. I told him ya know man I have lost some people in my life and I believe this is true because I hope it is so that i can see them. I have never had a special feeling reading the Book of Mormon or God telling me it is truth but I take it by faith. i look at the facts and judge it and that's kinda how he was . He was a 28 yr old mechanic who was not sure if there was a God, only really cared about partying and girls.... sound familiar anyone? So I tried to relate with him and in the end I challenged him to read the book of Mormon and to pray everyday because honestly that's how you know. We can't force God's hand and say "give me a sign/" It doesn't work like that. He gives us a sign if we have faith. He then asked me why would God talk to a 14 yr old boy and I said only a 14 yr old boy would listen.I felt it was a good lesson. I mean I don't think I changed anything. II just maybe left a seed, a particle if you will in him and i hope it grows. Because you can't really go find
God if you are not even trying. Well I honestly believe our 830 cancelled on us for a reason because that lesson with the less active went over and it was honestly great to sit and address his real reasons. He was endowed which was odd because he is so young not married and did not serve a mission.
We also went to the park and this lil chubby kid came up to me and I saw my self in him and so we started to play whatever he wanted to play. I didn't teach him or try to, I just tried be an older brother to him.
Well that's my week.
Kirk Out,
Elder Buhler
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