1. What exciting thing did you do this week? I watched conference in a closet for 8 straight hours!!!
2. How many hours a day do you proselyte every day? We try to at least get 9 hours in.
3. Are you still eating on the streets? What are your favorite meals to eat? i am trying to eat healthy. I love papaya milk. I have one everyday I think.
4. How many emails do you get a week from your friends? Who writes you that is not a missionary? Spencer frix, Derek Parker, jalon sometimes, troy , Caleb McCray, Jonathan Hawes, Megan, not Amie, not Steven G who should, Alejandro, Mitch P., Mitch K .... notice there are not many females....
5. How is your language skills? Out of a 100 percent, what percent are you fluent in understanding? What percent are you fluent in speaking? I under stand most likely 83 percent.
Hey everyone, what's up!!! What's good? How is everyone!!!! First off.... did I enjoy conference? Well, I inhaled conference!!! Ah man, it was amazing. No joke!!!! I loved it !!!! It was so amazing. I can't tell you a favorite talk but I sure can tell you this was my favorite conference. Elder Brown and I were in a broom closet of a room watching it. it was awesome!!! loved it!
I need to stop looking back at all my past sins and past successes in high school football and stuff like that. I need to realize that I need to move on. I actually had a great talk with my mission pres and he was like you need to let go. The screw up josh you think you are is not there any more. Yes, you set the occasional house of the lord on fire or almost start a turf war with some white dude but you have changed. As for looking back, yes I realized I loved football and everything. I have ever done relatively well at but man I needed to quick looking back and to move forward to achieve greater things. A lot of you know that well I'm a dreamer (college D1 ball, astronaut, navy seal and executive of Stark Enterprises) and the Lord is mindful and ya know maybe those things are out of my reach but deep down the Lord knows whats best for me so he will help me. I don't know if this makes sense to you but then again I can barely comprehend I'm on a mission. Sometimes I am like Josh look how far you have come. Then Edward's Dube's mother comes online and says "Josh, do not look back. Look at what we still have to do." I have a mission to finish. Emma W. to marry, save the world and become the quarterback of the New York Jets like Flash Gordan so ya!!!
Honestly I feel awesome right now. Yes, I am home sick but hey who isn't? Me and my comp have really tried to push for me to learn Chinese better. So ya, I get on average 3 hours of sleep so I spend all that time trying to catch up from what I didn't know at first.
Funny story: I sent a letter to Abbey Erikson (Miss Springville) like 7 months ago... so it came back because it had been all over the country so i thought that was pretty funny.
Person of the week: I would say is Coach Jay for soccer. He was always and has always been a great coach too\ me and always pushed me but realized hey I am a dumb kid and capitalized on that and man can he cook dutch oven.
Tough loss for the ville but they will capitalize on that and win state. .
I love all my devil boys.
Good win for BYU and Utah though.
Happy birthday to Mitch Paystrup and Bashaan Paystrup!
And NO I am not coming back. Someone said there was a rumor about me coming back for football.... that's not true.... at all. Good luck to my little brother Jacob in state cup. I hope BYU realizes what a talented SMART player you are
Kirk Out!
Love you all .
Elder Bear Cat

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