1. Tell us about your companion: He is from Taoyan. He has been out about a year and a half. He is chill.
2. How do you find new investigators? All the house have been tracted before by previous missionaries so we work by referrals.
Hello everyone!!!! What's up!!! So this week has not been too exciting!!! I have been just working hard and trying to enjoy the mish which I think I love now!!! I love it in the sense that this is a once and a life time opportunity so I'm just trying to make the best of it. We had a special training meeting and that was pretty cool. I got to see Elder C and Elder S and Elder N, so all my buddies. We found out we have to wear safety vests when we ride our bikes so we look like hall monitors from the cartoon show Recess. I love it. I wear mine everywhere... when I say everywhere I mean everywhere.... even basketball so the opponent knows where I am! hahahaha. President Blickenstaff said he had some thing that would fix all my problems and I was thinking... "is it a full ride scholarship signed by Bronco Mendenhall to play for BYU?" No, it wasn't that. It was actually the book "Mere Christianity by CS Lewis and man did it hit me hard. Wow that man is a champ. He is an atheist turned Christian. Anyways it was an amazing read. I'm still trooping it out here. Anyways everyone read the Book of Mormon because it helps.... love you all.
Elder Buhler

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